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This in itself is an Asana of Yoga, a variation of Yoga.

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Asthma, Spinal disorder, Digestive disorder Lack of sexual potentiality Weak glands and nervous system


  It is a sleeping disorder. It is a condition of inability to sleep at a time when a person is expected to sleep. So, at first we must know something about sleep. Sleep is a periodic state of rest accompanied by varying degree of unconsciousness and relative inactivity. Daily sleep requirement varies inversely with age as follows:-


New-born baby -  16 to 20 hours

Children  -             12 to 14 hours

Adults -                 7 to 9 hours

Old people            5 hours


Sleep has been found to have two states. One with no rapid eye movement (NREM) and one with rapid eye movement (REM). There are four stages during a state of NREM and the last stage is during a state of REM.


    During sleep somatic activity is greatly decreased , basal metabolic rate being the least.

    In Insomnia the difficulty may be in either falling asleep or remaining asleep or both.




(a) Excess cerebellar blood congestion

(b) Mental tension ,anxiety ,excitation

(c) Mental exertion

(d) Constipation

(e) Irregular diet habit

(f) Excess intake of tea, coffee, cigarette

Clinical features:-

(I) Objective symptoms:-

(a) Babinski sign - extensor
(b) Equilibrium - disturbed
(c) Neuromuscular - fatigue

 (II) Subjective symptoms:-

(d) Mental concentration difficult and inaccurate
(e) Mental anxiety and stress
(f) Treshold for pain lowered.


After proper case-taking of the patient, at first must exclude the actual cause of insomnia. Then the treatment starts.

Homoeopathic medicines:-

Here I am giving the name of some homoeopathic medicines which are usually prescribed in the case of this disease according to the physical signs and symptoms as usually observed in the case of this disease. However it must be borne in our mind that apart from  the physical symptoms there are also some mental symptoms associated with this disease for which I have not mentioned any medicine here. Here a few medicines are given which are most effective such as:- 

(i) Absinthinum

(ii) Anacardium orientale

(iii) Coffea cruda

(iv) Hyoscyamus niger

(v) Passiflora incarnata

(vi) Nux vomica, etc.

Yogapathic chart:-

Morning and evening walking, swimming and few free hand exercises are essential. Except that few asanas are given here which are very much effective such as:-

(i)Sahaja pranayama




(v)Sirshasana , etc.


  At first one should search for the causes of the tension, anxiety and excitation. Then start to meditate which will result in the cooling down of the mind and gradually bring about peace of mind which will relax the patient.


Diet chart:-

Take plenty of drinking water but not before going to sleep.

Take easily digestible foods

Take fruits.

Take green vegetables.

Avoid rich and spicy food.

Avoid smoking habit.

Avoid tea, coffee and alcohol.


Above all the mental counseling must be done properly.
